Saying No

Sometimes we have to say no, so that you can say yes.

Many business decisions at Floors Come True are the direct result of looking at how other flooring companies conduct themselves, and then we choose to zig where they zagged. 

We prefer to forge long-term relationships rather than force one-time sales. 


While the rest of this site is focused on the great things we will do for you, here's a bit about some of the not so great things that we promise we won't do to you. 

  • no phony promotions

    We can’t fault companies for promoting themselves, and we can’t fault customers for acting on those promotions. But take a moment to ask yourself, “Half off what?”  If the original price isn’t shown, it is hard to trust where the pricing started. If it is shown, then ask yourself, would anybody pay that original price? 

    What about buying one room of flooring, and getting others for free?  Read the fine print, you just have to pay for the padding, installation, etc.  Before you invite a salesperson in to talk about that sale, ask them what those other things will cost. 

    Then of course, there's the "Free Installation" promotion we've probably all seen.  Are the installers suddenly working for free?  Are the retailers suddenly forgoing profit? Hardly.  Either the primary product's price is inflated or there are add-ons you must purchase to get the installation for free. At that point, is it really free? 

    We offer upfront True Prices on products that include basic installation services.

  • no private labels

    Along with the mattress industry, flooring companies love to change the names of their products. This can confuse customers. After all, how can you compare prices on a product if it doesn’t seem to exist any other store? This also makes it easy for other companies to offer a price match policy since the private labeled product will never be advertised at another store.

    This is different than the many "store brands" you'll find at drug stores and big box stores. In those circumstances, the name is different, but the product most likely says something like, "Compare to the active ingredients in [National Brand]" and is also sitting on the shelf next to that national brand. You can compare and decide for yourself which you'll buy.

  • no slick sales tactics

    Tired of “slick” sales people? So are we. Most of the tactics they use are designed to confuse customers and get them caught up in the momentum of the sales process while losing track of the details. Distractions, deflections, calls to managers, price drops and take-aways are just some of the tactics a slick sales person will use. 

    Our business model and fair compensation plans allow us to attract top Flooring Professionals that don't need to resort to slick sales tactics. Rather than focus on a hard sell, they strive to make it easy for you to buy.  You can skip the negotiations since our True Price is based on simple math using the product you choose, and the work needed to get it installed properly. Our prices are never based on how nice your home is, or what car is parked in your driveway.

  • no pressure

    We’ve heard the horror stories of customers that agreed to purchases just to get the sales people out of their homes, or to take advantage of “today only” prices. While we’d love to earn your business during our first consultation, if you need to think about it we’ll give you a written quote that is valid for at least a week, and in most cases even longer. The only exception to this is an offer that is material specific such as an in-stock closeout or remnant, and if that is the case, we will make it very clear when the option is presented.   

  • no hassles

    For some, inviting a stranger into their home can be a stressful experience. Have you ever waited at home for a sales person to arrive? We’re not saying we’re perfect, but our Flooring Specialists are already vested in your relationship before they knock on your door. We give you the opportunity to speak with your flooring consultant before your in-home appointment; allowing you to get acquainted. That means the person knocking on your door isn’t a stranger, but a new friend; and a good friend will certainly call if he or she is running behind. Learn more about this in  the “Our Process” section

  • no surprises

    Imagine you need a gallon of milk, and go to a grocery store that doesn't have price tags. The only way to find out the price is to spend an hour or more with a clerk telling you all about the features of the different milks they offer. The whole time, the clerk feeds you complimentary cookies which make you want the milk even more. Then, after all that time, you finally get to see a price at the checkout counter.  It is only then you realize the gallon of milk you chose is $30.  Sounds crazy, right?

    It happens all the time with in-home home improvement sales, but the meetings are usually much longer, and the stakes are much higher. Avoid buying out of fatigue.  Yes, there are a lot of variables to consider. But be cautious of any company you're inviting to give you an estimate can't at least give you a range or ballpark number before coming out to your home.

Compare us to the rest. See how we're different by design.

  Upfront Pricing No guessing about prices. Our website and products samples all clearly list the price for each product including basic installation. Ala Carte Pricing This is a good thing. We don't raise our prices to cover services you may not need. Just pay for what you need. Large Selection Our Customized mobile showrooms bring you many more samples than a typical sales rep can transport. We even have more samples than many retail stores. Wide Range of Products At entry level prices too! We have all levels of products entry level to high end prints and wool. At Home Shopping See your flooring where you will use flooring Informed Professionals Our Flooring Specialists didn't just transfer from plumbing. Flooring is all we do. No Hassle Pricing No need to haggle. Our True Price is upfront and fair to you and us. No Pressure You won't be forced to sign anything during your in-home consultation. Written quotes are always available for you to think about. Employee Sales Team Accountable to both you and our company. No loose cannons here.

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